HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM <p><strong>Jurnal Hospitaliti dan Pariwisata merupakan jurnal ilmiah bidang ilmu Hospitaliti dan Kepariwisataan yang menerbitkan hasil - hasil studi, kajian dan penelitian ilmiah baik dari kalangan akademisi maupun praktisi.</strong></p> PolimdoSains en-US HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM 2354-8355 <p>The Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that if accepted for publication, copyright of the article shall be assigned to journal&nbsp;jurnal hospitaliti dan pariwisata, jurnal pariwisata, jurnal hospitaliti, jhp, hospitality, Politeknik Negeri Manado as publisher of the jurnal.</p> <p>Copyright encompassess exclusive rights to reproduce and deliver the article in all form and media, including reprints, photographs, microfilms, and any other similar reproductions, as well as translations. The reproduction of any part of this journal, its storage in databases and its transmission by any form or media, repdroduction of any parts of this journal, its storage in databases and its transmission by any form or media, such as electronic, electrostatic and mechanical copies, photocopies, recordings, magnetic media, etc.,</p> MODEL PENERAPAN INTEGRATED RESERVATION SYSTEM DENGAN PLATFORM DIGITAL PADA HOTEL MERCURE BALI LEGIAN <p><em>The development of technology is so fast without knowing the team and has become a very basic need for various groups, one of which is hospitality. Various quality information System applications can be realized through a good information System application model. Information Systems can provide benefits and advantages for hoteliers and guests. The implementation of an integrated reservation information System with digital platforms in hotels can improve operational efficiency, improve guest experience, and increase profits for hotels. Especially in the hotel reservation section to obtain data, and process guest data. The presence of an integrated online reservation System makes it convenient to book lodging. The reservation System used by Mercure Bali Legian Hotel is feasible to use because it has been integrated and makes it easier for staff, especially the reservation department to apply and process guest data. Through the Integrated Reservation System, you can increase room bookings from various platforms. This cooperation relationship is mutually beneficial and needs each other, and no one party suffers losses because of this cooperation, because the cooperation relationship with online travel agents is clear and the services provided are in accordance with procedures and agreements that have been agreed and made together. Mercure Bali Legian benefits because guests can easily make a reservation process through an online travel agent, while online travel agents benefit from viewers who have accessed the application</em></p> Jane Darael Bet El Silisna Lagarense Deisy C Andih ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 7 1 1 22 10.35729/jhp.v7i1.137 Coral transplantation corals transplantation and monitoring plans at the Mokotamba Pulisan dive point in the super priority destination Likupang <p><em>This research aims to determine the growth rate and survival rate of coral fragments transplanted into plant media in the Mokotamba Pulisan area, North Sulawesi. Determination of the location for planting media is carried out based on the results of observations in the field. The method used is the frame method, where naturally broken coral fragments are attached to sondo-shaped pieces of iron, with each fragment transplanted facing the direction of the incoming sunlight. The initial research results were carried out by measuring the initial length of coral fragments in each unit of planting media and will then be measured periodically every four months to obtain the growth rate and survival rate of transplanted coral fragments.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Key words</em></strong><em>: coral transplantation, monitoring, conservation, Mokotamba, Likupang, Indonesia</em></p> Bet El Silisna Lagarense Mex Usmeny Pesik Fitriani Fiany Rauf Youdy Joseph Hendrik Gumolili ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 7 1 23 31 10.35729/jhp.v7i1.135 ANALISIS KINERJA WAITERS DI RESTORAN CAKRAWALA HOTEL ARYADUTA MANADO PADA ERA NEW NORMAL <p>The Covid-19 pandemic that occurred in 2019 in Indonesia has had an impact and <br>changes in the restaurant industry in the hotel world, as well as the Cakrawala Restaurant at <br>the Aryaduta Hotel Manado. Changes that have occurred include changes to the SOP in <br>serving guests and also a reduction in the number of waiters at the Cakrawala Restaurant at <br>the Aryaduta Hotel Manado. This makes waiters have to work optimally, especially after the <br>pandemic enters the new normal period, where everything is gradually recovering and the <br>hotel business is starting to get busy again. For this reason, the author carries out research on <br>analysis of waiter performance at the Cakrawala Restaurant at the Aryaduta Hotel Manado <br>during the new normal period. The research method used in this research is a descriptive <br>qualitative research method. The research location, namely Cakrawala Restaurant Hotel <br>Aryaduta Manado, was carried out during the months of 4 July 2022 to 4 January 2023. It is <br>known that the Cakrawala Restaurant Hotel Aryaduta Manado has 3 waiters in charge of <br>providing service since the pandemic and during the new normal period the number of waiters <br>remains the same, namely 3 people working in 2 shifts. For this reason, waiters at the Horizon <br>restaurant of the Aryaduta Hotel Manado are required to be able to work optimally by carrying <br>out their duties and responsibilities in accordance with the existing SOPs, apart from that they <br>must continue to work solidly and collaboratively in working with the team and routinely <br>participate in every evaluation carried out. Apart from that, pay attention to factors that can <br>influence the performance of waiters in improving the quality of their service, namely <br>individual factors and management support factors, including: good mental attitude, education <br>or training, work skills, good leadership and an appropriate income level.<br>Keywords: Performance, waiters, Cakrawala restaurant</p> Julio Daniel Maliangkay Merry Theovanny Bawole Margaretha N Warokka ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 7 1 32 41 10.35729/jhp.v7i1.133 ANALISIS POTENSI PARIWSATA DAN PERAN MASYARAKAT DESA WISATA MOLINOW, DI KABUPATEN MINAHASA SELATAN <p>The aim of this research is to analyze the potential and role of the community in the<br>Molinow tourist village, South Minahasa Regency. This research uses observation, interview<br>and documentation methods in South Minahasa Regency. In particular, Molinow Village has<br>become a tourist village, with the Tanjung Molinow Beach tourist attraction, equipped with<br>facilities that support recreation in that place. Molinow Tourism Village is a new Tourism<br>Village which was inaugurated on April 8 2022 along with the Tanjung Molinow Beach tourist<br>attraction by the deputy Regent of South Minahasa based on the decision of the Ministry of<br>Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (KEMENDESA) in<br>2020. The research results show that the Molinow tourist village has tourism potential which<br>is beautiful, especially on Tanjung Molinow beach, which is the tourist center. With the<br>existence of the Malinow tourist village, the community's economic turnaround is starting to<br>be felt. The village community hopes that the Malinow tourist village can develop and become<br>a tourist village visited by many tourists and become a tourism actor who has a role in creating<br>a conducive and comfortable environment for its visitors. With the existence of a tourism<br>awareness group, the community plays a more active role in developing the Molinow tourist<br>village. Tourism awareness groups must be supported with full awareness to make the Molinow<br>tourist village a safe, orderly, clean, cool, beautiful, friendly and memorable village.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Vesty Like Sambeka Merryany Theovanny Bawole Linda E. M Sinolungan Mercy A Lumare ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 7 1 42 55 10.35729/jhp.v7i1.136 Mega benthos Study of The Types of Mega Benthic Fauna that Inhabit the Alungbanua Coral Reef Area Bunaken Island North Sulawesi <p><em>Alung Banua is a coral reef area in the Bunaken National Park area which has coral reef formations and very interesting types of biota. With steep, wall-type reef topography, this area is named after the village of Alungbanua. This research aims to 1) determine the types of mega benthic fauna that inhabit the Alungbanua coral reef area, 2) to determine the diversity and dominance of the mega bentic fauna that inhabits the Alung banua coral reef area. The belt transect method was used to obtain data regarding the mega benthic fauna.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Alungbanua, Mega benthic</em><em>.</em></p> Youdy Joseph Hendrik Gumolili Maykel A.J Karauwan Margresye Rompas Jeanlly A Solang ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 7 1 56 62 10.35729/jhp.v7i1.134