Media Interpretasi Elektronik dalam Pengembangan Ekowisata dan Implikasinya pada Ketahanan Budaya

  • Heri Puspito Diyah Setiyorini Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This research aims to develop electronic interpreation media in ecotourism. The study was conducted in Kampung Naga, West Java, Indonesia. The indigineous community lives in this village. The communities maintain their traditional way of life, such as living in traditional houses without electricity and depending on agricultural development and tourism as their income resources. The main attractions in this village is culture and their local wisdom. One of the attractions is in their architectural and earthquake resistant traditional houses. The basic materials of the houses are bamboo, palm fiber, and local river stones. Therefore, the houses has functional as well as aesthetics values for tourists attractions. This research adds other value, particularly education value, to visitors through electronic interpretation media. The research method is participatory action research where in-depth interview is used to understand, confirm, and disseminate the interpretation media. E-leaflet was developed to provide information of local wisdom of bamboo, houses, and zoning system. This research also contributes to culture resilience to local people.

Key Words: ecotourism, interpretation media, local wisdom


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How to Cite
Setiyorini, H. P. D. (2019, August 25). Media Interpretasi Elektronik dalam Pengembangan Ekowisata dan Implikasinya pada Ketahanan Budaya. HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM, 2(2).
Hospitality and Tourism